I Am Weighed Down By Sin
I believe in the birds and the bees
The fiddle in the middle
And death by degrees
The ferryman and pheromones
And thick, sticky leaves
I am weighed down by sin
I can barely raise my head
I can barely lift my voice
I can barely shake my fist
I am weighed down by sin
Dug into a hole on stolen land
Deep and dark and silent like dad
Glinting like an iceberg with my face to the sun
Nine-tenths buried and four-fifths done
All my fine words
All my facts and friends
All my born days
I am weighed down by sin
Bright bones breaking in a cauldron of fur
Earthworm turning in the ribcage of a bird
Where the rattlers seethe where the rats teethe
Where the angels breed where the stars breathe
There’s a time to crawl home
There a time to say goodbye
There’s a time to play dead
I am weighed down by sin